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12 Natural Detox Foods That Will Seriously Improve Your Health. Детокс-диета: рецепты смузи

13.05.2023 в 20:08
  1. 12 Natural Detox Foods That Will Seriously Improve Your Health. Детокс-диета: рецепты смузи
  2. How To remove toxins from Body naturally. Detoxification
  3. Best way To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours. One Day Cleanse : How To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours
  4. What To Eat on A Detox week. What Is A Detox?
  5. Stomach Detox Foods. Mouth Detox
  6. Best Detox Foods for Weight Loss. The 10 Best Foods To Eat for Weight Loss
  7. Detox Foods for Skin. How To Do A Skin Detox?
  8. Fruits That Detox Your Body. Dietary Tips To Detox
  9. 20 Foods That Detox Your Body and mind. 13 Snacks That Detox Your Body

12 Natural Detox Foods That Will Seriously Improve Your Health. Детокс-диета: рецепты смузи

12 Natural Detox Foods That Will Seriously Improve Your Health. Детокс-диета: рецепты смузи

Овощи и фрукты, которые мы употребляем в пищу при детокс-диетах , имеют общее свойство – они низкокалорийные и в то же время богаты клетчаткой, которая обеспечивает чувство сытости и является лучшим очистителем желудочно-кишечного тракта. Особенно это касается зеленых фруктов и овощей – они наиболее полезны для  болезней, так как содержат большое количество витамина С и фолиевой кислоты. Также они, как правило, менее калорийны.  

Фрукты и овощи для детокса: делаем правильный выбор

12 Natural Detox Foods That Will Seriously Improve Your Health. Детокс-диета: рецепты смузи 01

Выбор овощей и фруктов для приготовления смузи достаточно широк. В целом, здесь все определяют ваши вкусовые предпочтения. Каждый фрукт или овощ имеет определенные полезные свойства и витамины, так что, включив их в, вы запасетесь витаминами и полезными микроэлементами и укрепите здоровье и иммунитет.     

К примеру, морковь богата каротином, полезна для почек и печени и хороша против гипертонии. Клубника низкокалорийна, содержит много витамина С. Помидоры богаты мощным антиоксидантом — ликопином. Яблоки, особенно кислые, содержат железо, поэтому полезны при.

Другими словами, овощи и фрукты являются настоящей кладезью полезных веществ и витаминов и их регулярное употребление в пищу служит профилактикой болезней.

Рецепты детокс-диеты: смузи

В смузи для детокса главное – побольше зеленых фруктов и овощей. Впрочем, тут все зависит от сезона: вы можете экспериментировать с ягодами, добавлять в наши рецепты листья салата. 

Смузи из банана, киви и шпината

Отлично бодрит и придает сил!

На 2 порции:

  • 3 киви
  • 2 банана
  • 100 г шпината (можно использовать замороженный)
  • 300 мг воды
  • Щепотка льняных семян

Способ приготовления

Очистите киви, мелко нарежьте. Промойте и нарежьте листья шпината. Бананы можно нарезать и добавить сразу в смузи, а можно выдержать в морозилке полчаса – так смузи получается более густым. Все ингредиенты взбейте в блендере и разлейте по бокалам.

На 1 порцию: 240 ккал, белки – 8,9 г, жиры – 1 г, углеводы – 57 г. 

Смузи из яблок и авокадо

Очень питательный, сытный и вкусный, к тому же укрепляет иммунитет.

На 2 порции:

  • 1 большой авокадо
  • 1 огурец
  • 1 яблоко
  • Сушеный имбирь — по вкусу

Способ приготовления 

Просто смешайте компоненты смузи в блендере и можно пить. Этот смузи может заменить полноценный прием пищи из-за своей питательности.

На 1 порцию: 250,5 ккал, белки – 3,4 г, жиры – 15,7 г, углеводы – 21,3 г.

Смузи из клубники с молоком

Этот смузи не только вкусный, но и некалорийный.

На 2 порции:
  • 600 г клубники
  • 200 мл обезжиренного молока
  • Натуральный йогурт – по вкусу

Способ приготовления

Измельчите в блендере все ингредиенты, добавьте немного натурального йогурта и воды (по вкусу). Также в этот смузи можно добавить немного мяты.

На 1 порцию: 144 ккал, белки – 6 г, жиры – 3,4 г, углеводы – 26 г.

How To remove toxins from Body naturally. Detoxification

12 Natural Detox Foods That Will Seriously Improve Your Health. Детокс-диета: рецепты смузи 02

It is very important to detoxify oneself and remove body toxins in order to get rid of the diseases and make one’s immunity strong and sturdy. Toxins are one of the main reasons for falling sick every weather change and can slowly accumulate diseases causing long-term harm. There are two causes of toxins that build up in the body – the internal toxins and the external toxins. The external ones are those we collect through the kind of junk and oily food we eat and the internal toxins are sourced by our metabolism. Internal toxins in ayurveda are called ama, which are aggravated when the digestive fires get weakened over the course of time. Both the kinds of toxins are deadly and need to be removed in order to be hale and hearty. There are four conditions of digestive fires or amas that are created in the body, when the digestion weakens. These interfere with the normal working of organs and include:

Balanced fire

This is the ideal condition for digestion as the balanced fire does not produce ama and therefore toxin removal is done on its own.

Low fire

When the digestive fire is too low it accumulates a lot of toxins and produces ama.

Sharp fire

Sharp fire is too strong and extreme and produces ama.

Imbalanced fire

An imbalance fire is disproportionate with both high and low phases and hence is also capable of producing ama.

In order to remove toxins from the body, one needs to eat healthy and balanced. It not only keeps the body in a good physical shape, but also improves immunity during weather change. Mostly, children fall sick every season change as the influx of virus and bacteria increases in the air and they succumb to the infections caused by flu and cold easily. Fluctuating weather is not in our control but we can organize our lifestyle in a manner that we are able to increase immunity and win against diseases and infections.

There are a few tips for the change of season that one need to follow to increase immunity especially in children.

Cover nutritional deficiencies

Most of the nutritional deficiencies in the body lead to low immunity and increased toxins that cause diseases and infections. The immune system needs a good dose of micronutrients like iron, folic acid, vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K along with copper etc. Adding seasonal fruits, vegetables, milk, nuts and dairy to daily diet can supply the required nutrition to the body.

Sun soaking

Low levels of Vitamin D are also one of the main causes of falling immunity levels, leading to sick and unwell bodies. For an effective toxin removal, it is very important to increase the levels of vitamin D, found in abundance through sun that helps in cell multiplication, differentiation and production of anti-bodies that fight against contagions.

12 Natural Detox Foods That Will Seriously Improve Your Health. Детокс-диета: рецепты смузи 03

Practice good hygiene

Mostly, in children the cause of low immunity and poor health is attributed to not keeping good hygiene. Washing hands before eating, disinfecting household items, consuming clean drinking water and proper sanitation are important for good health. Children must be encouraged to wash hands before eating every time in order to cleanse themselves off germs and infections and eliminate toxins from the body.

Whenever season change happens, the body temperature oscillates and body gets prone to imbalanced fire and that is the time when it requires a good amount of detoxification should be done.

Land and Seed theory or the Beej Bhumi theory

The land and seed theory in Ayurveda believes in the fact that infertile soil is incapable of growing even the strongest of seeds. According to this theory, our bodies signify the land whereas bacteria, virus and allergens etc are the seeds. So, if we take care of the land, aka our body, even if the seasons change we will be able to sustain our immunity and keep the diseases away. The fertilizers are used to give the seeds a better chance of growing and hence, a good ayurvedic diet, lifestyle and exercise can help do that. These are imperative to eliminate toxins and ama from the body.

There are many herbal formulas that are required to boost immunity during the colder winter months, when the chances of infections are very high.

Bio Immune –

It improves and boosts the overall immunity and makes the body resistant to cold, cough and other infections. Bio-immune is an ayurvedic formula hence totally free from side effects and boosts internal power. It also helps remove digestive impurities and enhances the digestive agnis. Bio-immune also enhances the liver function and purifies blood, keeping the skin also healthy.

Best way To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours. One Day Cleanse : How To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours

You want to take your health to the next level and go on a cleanse, but can’t find the right time to get started? Need a quick natural way to reboot your body you can do at home?

This is exactly the purpose of the one day cleanse. Easy to follow, natural, safe and effective plan to detox and cleanse your body in only one day.

The One Day Cleanse Plan Summary

Primary function: colon cleanse.

  1. : overnight colon cleanse drink.
  2. : lemon juice cleanse drink.
  3. : fruit meal.
  4. : snack or fruit meal.
  5. : detox salad meal.

What Is The One Day Cleanse?

The famous 1 day cleanse is a fast instant effective and safe natural plan designed to help your body cleanse and detox in 24 hours. Most people notice more energy, higher clarity, a clearer complexion, and better bowel movements and digestion. It is also common to see improvements in digestive issues such as bloating, gas and occasional constipation.

1. The Night Before: Overnight Colon Cleanse

Best way To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours. One Day Cleanse : How To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours

Purpose:  cleanse, detox and flush your digestive system.

The one day cleanse starts the night before with the overnight colon cleanse drink. This famous recipe is one of the most effective natural remedies to quickly and safely cleanse accumulated waste buildup from the colon while you sleep.

  1. Drink before bedtime on an empty stomach away from any foods or other supplements.
  2. Expect the next day to have a series of bowel movements. First time users usually report large amount of stored waste.
  3. Most people already start to feel “lighter” as they eliminate this stored waste buildup.

Ingredients: lemon juice, raw apple cider vinegar and oxygen colon cleanse.

To learn more, see: Overnight Colon Cleanse .

2. Morning – Lemon Juice Cleanse Drink

Best way To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours. One Day Cleanse : How To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours

Purpose: detox, cleanse & hydrate your body.

The lemon juice cleanse drink is based on the well known ancient Ayurvedic practice of drinking lemon juice in warm water on an empty stomach. This simple recipe can help to stimulate digestion and detox the body.

To make the lemon juice cleanse drink, squeeze the juice of ½ organic lemon into 16 ounces of warm spring or alkaline water. You can also add a few drops of stevia to sweeten the drink if needed.

Many people find it helpful to make more servings and drink more in the morning and throughout the entire one day cleanse.

Coffee Alternatives

For natural healthy alternatives to coffee, we like to add 1-2 droppers of Dr. Group’s Ginseng Fuzion to the morning lemon drink, which includes active ginseng extracts complex, maca, and the anti stress (adaptogenic) herb ashwagandha.

  • Ginseng  is well known for its ability to naturally stimulate energy production in the muscles, improve fats metabolism, reduce appetite, and boost the immune system function  .
  • Ashwagandha: Several studies found that ashwagandha can decrease body fat, increase lean muscle mass, support healthy body weight management and reduce stress and anxiety .

3. One Day Cleanse Fruit Meal

Best way To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours. One Day Cleanse : How To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours

The ideal time to eat the first meal of the 1 day cleanse is when you feel hungry. For some people, this means 30 minutes after they drink the lemon juice cleanse drink. Other people may not even be hungry until lunch.

For this reason, you should listen to your body and only eat when you are hungry. In this fruit meal, you eat your favorite choice of fresh high fiber “meaty” raw fruit. Great choices are apples, berries, bananas, mangos, pineapple and papaya.

We prefer fruits that have a more “meaty” texture over watery fruits such as watermelon or melons, since they work better to stimulate digestion and “push” stored waste out of the digestive tract.

This simple strategy works very well not only for the one day cleanse, but also for life. It is always best to eat fruits on an empty stomach as the first solid meal of the day.

When it comes to fruits, it is important to follow a few basic guidelines:

  • Always eat fruits on an empty stomach.
  • Go for fresh and ripe fruits. Never eat unripe fruits. Unripe fruits can cause digestive issues such as gas, bloating and even make you constipated. Think about green bananas vs. yellow ripe ones.
  • Don’t mix different type of fruits together. It is ok however, to eat different fresh berries together.

Serving size: eat no more than 50 grams of net carbs per a fruit meal. This typically means one – two whole medium size fruits such as bananas or apples. For smaller fruits (berries) or if you like to slice your fruits, this usually means 2-3 cups of berries or slices of mango, pineapple, papayas, etc.

If you are unsure how much net carbs your favorite fruits have, you can use free online tool such as cronometer .

4. One Day Cleanse – Lunch

When you feel hungry during the day, you can continue to eat your favorite choice of “meaty” fruits as described in the previous section.

During winter, however, you may want to drink something hot. The thousand years old homemade colon cleanse tea recipe makes a perfect choice.

Best way To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours. One Day Cleanse : How To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours

What To Eat on A Detox week. What Is A Detox?

Ais the removal of harmful substances from the body. These are usually found in foods or environmental pollutants and are considered harmful because they can cause problems for your health ( ). 

The idea behind a diet detox is to remove these toxins from your body through methods such as drinking lots of water, juice, or fasting. Many times people refer to this kind of diet as a “cleanse” ( ). But in reality, the only thing that drinking a lot of liquids will do is make you go to the toilet more than you should. 

The idea behind a detox or cleanse is that it will help you get rid of toxins and lose weight. But this isn’t true for several reasons. The most important thing is when you lose weight through dieting, you’re just losing water and/or lean muscle tissue. The actual fat loss rate is very minimal ( ). So, even if toxins were stored in the fat cells, going on a cleanse wouldn’t result in detoxification.

When you don’t eat very many calories, which usually happens because it’s part of the diet plan, your body perceives this to be a form of starvation. It then signals your body to slow down and start holding onto its nutrients and energy reserves. This is why people who do these kinds of diets can often feel tired and sluggish. Your body is slowing down because it’s trying to act like you’re in a famine ().

Strict restrictions can make cravings stronger, and you’re more likely to overeat. 5 days of an extreme calorie deficit will not have permanent results, especially when you go back to eating regular meals. Furthermore, crash diets can trigger an unhealthy relationship with food and result in disordered eating ().

So, what should you do if you want to kickstart your? The answer is simple – forget aboutthat promise fast results in five days or less. Instead of aiming for rapid fat loss through starvation, which means losing water and lean muscle tissue, aim for slow but steady fat loss.

Stomach Detox Foods. Mouth Detox

The importance of the first phase of the digestive process is often overlooked. Known as the cephalic phase, it is influenced by smells, imaginations and tastes. Physiologically, saliva secretion is triggered in the mouth and hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach. These fluids are necessary for the chemical breakdown of nutrients. If they are not there in adequate quantity, you’re starting off digestion with a major handicap. The inadequate breakdown of nutrients leads to reduced absorption, thus less nourishment. Or larger compounds may be absorbed into the blood, which can burden the liver, incite immunological reactions and impede normal detoxification processes. Eat slowly and savour the flavours.

One detox tip for the digestive system is to simplify your intake when you’re unable to relax and enjoy food. Have a superfood smoothie. Nutrition packed, liquefied and delicious, these drinks are less taxing on an unprimed digestive system.

If you don’t have time to sit down, smell, admire, chew and enjoy your food properly, but rather are eating on the run, your nervous system is in all-systems-go or fight-or-flight sympathetic mode. This is not conducive to healthy digestive functioning. One detox tip for the digestive system is to simplify your intake when you’re unable to relax and enjoy food. Have a superfood smoothie. Nutrition packed, liquefied and delicious, these drinks are less taxing on an unprimed digestive system. Still, it’s important to remember the old adage: drink your meals and eat your drinks.

The process of ensalivation is paramount in digestion. Health experts such as Italian yoga master Vanda Scaravelli and Austrian detoxification expert Dr Franz Xavier Mayr suggest it’s not so much what you eat but how well you eat it. More specifically, how well your saliva mixes with the foodstuff and how well it is mechanically broken down by good chewing that enables acids and enzymes to work more completely on food particles further down the tract. Aim to masticate a minimum of 20 times per mouthful. Anywhere between 25 and 50 times is ideal. Refined food requires little chewing and is often swallowed after three or four chews, but even wholefood is all too often prematurely swallowed.

The enjoyment of a shared, relaxed meal goes well beyond healthy digestion and extends to healthy social experience and connectivity to the earth the food stems from. The religious traditions that emphasise saying grace before meals come from having gratitude for the energy of the earth, sun, soil, things and earthlings that contributed towards the production of the food. The Hare Krishna tradition makes their foods prasad , or blessed, before eating them, purifying them energetically before ingestion.

There are many scientific studies confirming the physiological benefits of gratitude, particularly in terms of longevity and depression. Perhaps saying grace, or at least reflecting with gratitude on your meal, has implications for digestive health and enhanced detoxification.

The tongue is used as a diagnostic indicator in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. During a detox, one can often wake up with a thickened mouth and lining on the tongue. This is a detox reaction. The best management of this is to scrape the tongue every morning. Use a tongue scraper, a specially designed bent, flattened metal, often made from copper or stainless steel. Never brush the tongue, as it merely moves the waste around. The idea is to remove it from your body entirely.

Best Detox Foods for Weight Loss. The 10 Best Foods To Eat for Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight, rather than restricting calories or certain food groups, it’s more important to focus on the foods you are eating regularly to support overall weight loss.

There’s no magic pill, special formula, or miracle food, but there are foods found in nature that can help you burn fat more efficiently, and speed up the weight loss process.

These 10 foods are not only helpful for promoting weight loss, but they’re jam-packed with nutrients which means they should be a part of any healthy diet.

Coconut Oil has hundreds of health benefits - learn how you can experience them with our FREE guide to Coconut Oil & its benefits.

The 10 Best Weight Loss Boosting Foods

1. Coconut Oil

It was only a few years ago thatwas demonized for being a saturated fat and contributing to obesity and heart disease – but this information was all wrong. While it’s true that coconut oil is a saturated fat, it’s made up of medium chain triglycerides, which are metabolized differently than other fatty acids.

You see, medium chain triglycerides don’t get stored as fat, but are sent straight to the liver to be converted to energy right away. Not only does this provide your body with an immediate source of energy, but studies show medium chain fatty acids (MCT’s) may actually help your body burn fat more efficiently ().

How to Add Coconut Oil to Your Diet:

Coconut oil can withstand medium-high heat, which makes it a great oil to cook with – thick savory stews and skillet dishes. Personally, I love adding 1 Tbsp to my coffee in the morning, and using it in place of butter in my baking recipes.

Theseare also an amazing and delicious way to get more of the healthy fats from coconut oil in your diet.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar’s active compound, acetic acid, may help stimulate stomach acid production to help you better digest and absorb nutrients from the foods you eat (). Since weight gain can be caused by a buildup of waste and undigested food in your GI tract, one way to tackle sustainable weight loss is by improving your digestion with ACV ().

How to Add Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Diet:

Apple cider vinegar makes the best tangy, and you can also add 1 shot of ACV to your lemon water 20 minutes before meals to help improve digestion.

3. Organic Eggs

Balancing your blood sugar levels is one of the most important things you must do to achieve sustainable weight loss. When your blood sugar levels spike and crash due to eating refined sugar and carbohydrates, your body releases a hormone called insulin – a fat storage hormone ().

Protein is the ultimate blood sugar balancing nutrient that helps prevent excess insulin from being released. And since it’s a slower nutrient to digest, protein also keeps your appetite satisfied for longer periods of time (which is why it’s so important to have protein at breaky!).

Whole organic eggs are one of the best dietary sources of quality protein that also provide other nutrients to support weight loss, such as choline ().

How to Add Eggs to Your Diet:

Is there a more versatile food than eggs? If you’re looking to change it up from scrambled and over-easy, take a peek at our epic list of.

4. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, swiss chard, arugula, watercress, and romaine are excellent sources of insoluble fiber, which promotes weight loss by moving food through the digestive tract, and balancing blood sugar levels (). Since low fiber diets are linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes, plant foods such as leafy greens are one of the most important foods to include in your diet to promote sustainable weight loss ().

Dark leafy greens are also rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help reduce inflammation, and support detoxification and cellular health, which are other important factors for weight loss ().

How to Add Leafy Greens to Your Diet:

Whip up side dishes like, and make it a goal to.

5. Avocado

An avocado a day may keep the belly fat away, studies suggest ().

Diets rich in monounsaturated fats, the primary fat in avocado, have been shown to lower blood sugar levels and reduce conditions related to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (). Monounsaturated fats also provide the building blocks for healthy hormones which regulate every function in your body, from digestion to metabolism ().

The nutrients in avocados make them one of the most beneficial foods to eat to support weight loss.

How to Add Avocado to Your Diet:

We love using avocados to make,and. But there’s nothing wrong with sprinkling some sea salt and pepper on half of an avocado and eating it with a spoon, either ().

6. Collagen

Collagen is a protein that’s found in bones and connective tissue. It’s known for its ability to help improve digestion and digestive conditions (such as leaky gut syndrome) by ‘healing and sealing’ the gut lining, which contributes to better nutrient absorption and promotes sustainable weight loss ().

Detox Foods for Skin. How To Do A Skin Detox?

From dietary changes to skincare products to brushing to exercise and more, many ways can help your body eliminate toxins and impurities. They can instantly transform your dull and tired complexion while improving your energy levels.

Think of all that you put into your body - medicines, alcohol, and unprocessed food continue to work their way through your bloodstream. Skin detox is crucial to get rid of these contaminants.

You don’t need expensive products, spa visits, or fancy equipment. There exist simple techniques that you can practice daily or as often as you like. The following skin detox methods work wonders not just for your skin but your entire body from the inside out.

1. A well-balanced diet

If you are looking for a clear skin detox, your diet should emulate the same. Stay away from excessive sugar, fried foods, and instead make fruits and vegetables a large part of your diet. Foods like broccoli, bananas, kale, walnuts, pears, avocados, and watermelon will give you a glow.

2. Sweat it out

Exercising is an integral part of skin detoxification. When you exercise, your skin perspires and heart races. It helps flush out unwanted waste, toxins, and impurities.

3. Facial treatments

Facial treatments are an excellent way to stimulate detoxification. A proper facial can clean out your pores. Did you ever think destressing would help clean your pores? It’s best if you go to a spa or dermatologist for the first few sittings.

4. Double cleansing

No matter your skin type or concerns, cleansing should be a part of your daily routine. Double cleansing involves using a pre-cleanser and a cleanser. A pre-cleanser eliminates pollutants that accumulate throughout the day and makes the cleanser’s job easier.

Be conscious of your skin type when shopping for a cleanser.

SkinKraft Tip

Do not use the same cleanser both times. It's recommended to use an oil cleanser in the morning and a foam cleanser at night, if you have dry skin. Those with oily or acne-prone skin should use a water-based gel cleanser.

Cleansing your face twice might seem time-consuming and excessive, but it's vital to a clear complexion.

5. Exfoliate

A gentle exfoliator is vital in skin detox to bring back your baby-soft skin. An exfoliator helps remove flaky skin cells and buffs away dead skin, leaving you with clearer skin.

SkinKraft Tip

If you have irritated skin, avoid grainy, hard exfoliators. It will irritate your already aggravated skin.

6. Toner

Toning is an essential step of any skincare regime. Toners help balance the skin after cleansing, which lowers the pH level and eliminates any surplus oil your cleanser could have missed. It's also an excellent way to prep the skin for the products that follow like serums or moisturizers. The perks don't end here; toners shrink your pore size too.

7. Properly hydrate your skin

Ensure you hydrate your face with a serum or moisturizer twice a day (morning and night). Serums are excellent as they hydrate your skin and help other products sink deeper into your skin.

Fruits That Detox Your Body. Dietary Tips To Detox

Various detox diets, claiming to aid in toxin elimination, liver detoxification, and health improvement, have gained recent popularity. However, these diets are not supported by any substantial and reliable clinical evidence. (1)

The human body has its own natural detoxifying system consisting of the lungs, kidney, liver, and skin. The functioning and metabolite management of these organs are highly influenced by your general lifestyle.

No particular diet can promise detoxification, but consuming a well-balanced diet can support your body in detoxifying itself.

Note: While a healthy diet can help prevent buildup of toxins in the body, you must consult a doctor if you have severe toxicity, such as alcohol poisoning or heavy metal toxicity.

Here are some dietary tips to help your body detox itself:

1. Drink plenty of water

Your body water level plays a vital role in maintaining homeostasis in your day-to-day life, thus directly impacting your functioning and health. (2) Water also helps eliminate toxins from your body through sweat and urine. Therefore, a deficiency of water can enable toxin buildup in the body .

In general, it is suggested to consume around 3.7 liters of water for men and 2.7 liters for women. However, the quantity may vary according to your diet and activity level.

2. Consume probiotics

Naturally fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are rich in probiotics that promote gut health , (3) thus supporting general body metabolism, especially the functioning of the digestive system.

A healthy digestive system is essential for the proper and regular removal of toxins in the form of excretions.

3. Consume prebiotics

While probiotics are helpful in supporting gut health, pairing them with prebiotics can enhance their function.

Prebiotics refer to those foods that help the growth of probiotics, including chicory root, leeks, garlic, asparagus, onions, artichokes, spinach, whole wheat, beans, and oats. (4)

4. Eat antioxidant-rich foods

Antioxidants help in reducing oxidative stress in the body. This, in turn, ensures the proper and healthy functioning of the body’s organs, which is essential for preventing toxin buildup. (5)

Vitamins A, E, and C are some important antioxidants that can be consumed through green tea, berries, and fresh fruits. You can also consume lemon water , which, besides being rich in antioxidants, helps stimulate bile production, thus enhancing digestion and mineral absorption.

5. Increase your fiber intake

Optimal fiber intake not only supports your digestive function but also plays an indirect role in improving immunity, inflammation, and mood. (6) Thus, fiber intake influences your overall health and toxin removal as well. Make it a habit to consume fiber-rich vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts.

6. Include vegetables in your diet

Cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, onions, leeks, broccoli, and artichokes stimulate detoxification pathways in the body. (7) You can consume vegetables as a main dish or even in the form of shakes and smoothies.

7. Go for lean protein

Lean proteins help maintain the levels of glutathione enzyme, which plays a key role in the natural detoxifying system of the body. (8)

8. Focus on micronutrients

Sulfur, phosphorus, and calcium are micronutrients essential to the body .

  • Sulfur is a structural element of various amino acids such as cysteine and therefore is vital to body functioning and growth. (9) Sulfur can be found in soybeans, onion, garlic, and kidney beans.
  • You can increase your intake of calcium through milk, cheese, eggs, leafy vegetables, and sardines.
  • Moreover, consuming dairy products, nuts, and beans can provide your body with the required levels of phosphorus.

9. Use anti-inflammatory herbs and spices in your meals

Inflammation is generally a symptom of a disorder in the body. Consuming ginger, cilantro, turmeric, and evening primrose can help control this inflammation and thus improve your health. (10)

Make a detoxification drink by mixing lemon juice, a pinch of cayenne pepper, 1 tsp of turmeric powder, and some honey in warm water , and consume this mixture daily. You can also drink green tea and licorice root tea. Avoid taking supplements without consulting your doctor.

20 Foods That Detox Your Body and mind. 13 Snacks That Detox Your Body

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In this day and age when everything is filled with chemicals and toxins, it’s even more important to take good care of your body. Detoxification is the best way to cleanse your body and reestablish its balance from within. If you detox your body on a regular basis you can maintain your health, reduce risk of disease, boost your metabolism and immune system, optimize digestion and lose weight. These are all physical benefits, but with a body cleanse you will also get mental benefits like improving you capacity to focus, help relieve stress and get rid of fatigue. So let’s take a look at these 13 detox snacks that you can munch on every day.

Note: If you’re following a clean eating diet, this list of foods are perfect to add to your clean eating plan!

20 Foods That Detox Your Body and mind. 13 Snacks That Detox Your Body

1. Avocado

A great snack, high in fiber and fat – don’t fret, it’s the good type of fat! It’s advisable to consume avocado as is, without any other ingredients. Also, your best option is to go for organic avocados. This fruit contains a bunch of antioxidants and glutathione, a nutrient that can block up to 30 carcinogens and detox your liver. Avocados will help you eat less added sugars, thus help you lose weight, lower your BMI and metabolic syndrome risk. ( Read This:)

2. Grapefruit

This fruit is widely famous in diets because it helps the liver to burn fat. It’s a great snack that helps treat diabetes, strengthens the body fight against cancer and lowers cholesterol. Not to mention that it works wonders for people suffering from stomach ulcers and gum disease. Another benefit of grapefruit is that it helps prevent strokes and the apparition of metabolic syndrome.

3. Pineapple

Pineapples are one of the tastiest detox snacks you can get your hands on. Not only do they taste amazing, but they also help with digestion and colon cleansing thanks to a digestive enzyme it contains. This enzyme called bromelain can also help balance blood coagulation, reduce inflammation and the growth of certain tumors (Try this recipe:.)

4. Asparagus

Asparagus not only helps you detox your body, but it also helps you stay young. It also helps with liver drainage and reduces the risk of dying from breast cancer. It’s a tasty vegetable that helps with all forms of inflammations and it’s also known to maintain a healthy heart. ( Try this Guilt-Free Recipe :)

5. Celery

Fresh celery helps balance the body’s pH levels and neutralize acidity. Slightly alkaline pH will not only improve health, but also help with fertility. Celery juice will replace electrolytes, so this is actually a healthy option to Gatorade and other such drinks. It lowers cholesterol and blood pressure and it sometimes even works better than medicine. It is known for reducing cravings for both sweet and highly consistent foods. It will help with stress as it calms the entire nervous system. On the other hand, it also has great benefits for the urinary tract and kidneys.

6. Apples

Great snacks that contain phytochemicals like flavonoids, D-Glucarate and terpenoids are vital for when you detox your body. Phlorizin is one flavonoid that helps with bile stimulation, thus helping the liver eliminate toxins. Apples also support the body to get rid of additive and metals that we ingest from regular food consumption.